The time has come for me to atone for the grammatical atrocities I have committed. The draft of Through the Stone Gate has been sent off for editing.

I am fortunate to have some great resources for editing assistance, and thanks to their help I should end up with a manuscript that won’t embarrass me in front of any future readers. I have come to feel that this book could very well have a future somewhere, and I want to make sure it presents itself as coherently as possible. I don’t envy those who will be laboring to help me get there, but I am incredibly thankful for their effort.

Once I get the edits back and incorporate them it will be time to take the next step. Right now that step remains a bit of a mystery to me, but I have a number of conversations lined up with some kind people willing to offer me advice and guidance. I’m exciting to move this book outside my own network and see how people respond to it. That’ll be the true test of whether or not this thing has a future other than as a personal artifact.